Live Music

Dedicated Investment in Innovative Technology
PRG has years of experience providing the live music industry with the latest equipment from lighting, video, audio, media servers, rigging, automation, and staging. We supply advanced solutions and support to ensure that productions will be the best equipped on the road, anywhere in the world. Whether you are looking for cutting-edge lighting, state-of-the-art LED video products, advanced media servers, innovative automation and staging solutions, or high definition live video capture, for concert tours, festivals, or special events, our state-of-the-art inventory is available worldwide.

Service Excellence
Our international team that makes up the PRG Music Group has years of combined experience in the entertainment industry and understands the work it takes to execute a successful production. From the planning process to the final prep and delivery of an unforgettable audience experience, our expertise is custom-tailored to the needs of our clients at every stage of production. We provide knowledgeable, behind-the-scenes teams as well as skillful, on-site technicians to integrate all of the elements it takes to realize your creative visions.


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Drake vs. Lil Wayne
Check out this PRG Luminaires packed rig designed by LD Guy Pavelo.

See Our GroundControl™ Followspot System In Action

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